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I began my pickleball journey almost a year ago when friends introduced me to this exciting sport. After a single session, I knew I wanted to explore it further. Since then, pickleball has become a significant passion in my life. Prior to my pickleball venture, I dabbled in various sports on a recreational level. I could never have imagined myself participating in tournaments, but that's precisely where I find myself now. In just one year, I've had the opportunity to compete in many different tournaments. Pickleball truly is an incredible sport in this regard. It accommodates everyone, from beginners to pros, offering a chance to experience the thrill of competition, regardless of age. Alternatively, it serves as a fantastic and social way to stay active. aims to assist you in your pickleball journey, contributing to its growth in Thailand. Whether you're new to pickleball or a seasoned player, we're here to be your guide and support your path. We look forward to being part of your pickleball experience and the sport's continued success in Thailand.

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